Photographer in Zurich

Photos for your company

Photos for marketing & website

Fast and fair price


Photographer for Erlenbach and Herrliberg

Setting the scene for the company

Photo shoots for companies such as Vorwerk Schweiz AG.

Why is photography an art?

The camera takes the photo, the photographer just presses the button. If you ever compare the snapshots posted on social networks with pictures taken by a trained photographer, you will notice the difference. The work of the photographer has many facets:

  • As an expert on the human face
  • As a storyteller
  • As an expert for the staging of real estate and architecture
  • As an artist of black and white photography
  • As a marketing artist for business photography

Customer references

The business photo shoot

Business photo shooting can depict diverse objects and subjects:

Your employees

Manufacturing facilities


Your company headquarters in a panoramic view

You do not have to praise me for my photos. I will be happy if you are fully satisfied with the result.
