New Photographed: Group photo for Zug Cantonal Bank

I was allowed to do a photo shoot for the Zuger Kantonalbank last week on Tuesday. A meaningful group photo was on the program.

Image composition

When arranging the people, I make sure that they stand as close as possible. On the one hand, this ensures that everyone fits into the picture and, on the other hand, creates a better group effect in the photo. With groups, a slight rise to the back or a staircase is helpful to place the back rows well visible. I always try different perspectives to create an exciting photo motif.

In addition to the group itself, the background is especially crucial for a successful group photo. So I chose the staircase in the entrance area of the Zuger Kantonalbank.

Correct settings

In terms of the various setting options, my system camera is best suited for this job. The adjustable parameters, such as aperture, exposure time and ISO value, allow me to better compensate for the prevailing lighting conditions.

For the perfect light I use professional high and monopods in coordination with the cameras and setting angles. With my studio flash system I achieve the best result. I use two Helios 600P with one umbrella each and a large softbox. I position both with an angle of about 45 degrees to the group. The greater the distance, the softer the light on the people. With the Canon 24-105mm lens, I can capture the entire group effortlessly.

Newly photographed: Real estate from SR Baumanagement

Last March I had the pleasure to do a real estate photo shoot for SR Baumanagement GmbH. When selling and renting real estate, high quality pictures are the key to success, with which the interest of the buyer/tenant is aroused. Our cell phones are getting better and better, however, our cell phone will not replace really good pictures of a property. To create a pleasant atmosphere, I prefer good weather. Before taking the actual pictures, I always do a walk-through with the client. This allows us to focus on the most important areas such as the living room, the kitchen or the balcony. During the tour, I turn on all the lights, open all the blinds and shutters, so that as much light as possible can enter the rooms

Full frame camera in use

Now it's time to take the photos. Different angles are necessary to capture the whole room. I always start with the overviews, and continue with the rooms and other spaces. Common rooms don't win any prizes, but they are also important to capture for the presentation. As a camera I use my full frame camera with a wide angle lens. For Exterior shots I use my DJI Drone to capture the bird's eye view as well as other aerial shots of a property. My tripod is indispensable in real estate photography, because the lines must always be straight. Depending on the object and the room, I very often use a flash to lighten dark areas and avoid harsh contrasts.

Postprocessing is important

After taking the photos, it's time for post-processing. This is an essential part and accounts for half of the time spent. I use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. In my eyes it is important to find a compromise between reality and the possibilities of image processing. The image should look natural despite all the technical possibilities.

So powerful photos are your chance to stand out when selling or renting your property!